Sunday, February 15, 2015


 summary: in the essay "forgotten children" Cassandra J. talks about how its unfair that a man can have a child with a woman and then just leave her. For her to have to provide for that child all by them self. She also talks about how is so hard for a mo to get child support from the father and eventually the mom gives up on the system and just dose what she has to for her child. The biggest point she wanted to make in this essay is that fathers get away way to easy. In the matter that the father can basically talk there way out of child support and end up not having to pay the mom for what ever reason they have. Cassandra just wants for stricter laws when it comes to fathers and child support

response: I totally agree with this essay. I think fathers get off way to easy now days. It shouldn't be so easy for a man or a woman to create a child and then not contribute at all to the child. To just leave a parent hanging with a child to support all by them self is not fair to that parent and definitely not fair to the child. I also agree that the government should be more strict with getting child support from the absent parent and a little more easier on the parent trying to get the child support.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

 This week I read a "This I Believe" essay about a girl named Ashley. She talked about how she believes that people should be able to be who they want to be with out being judged. She believes this because she is a girl that likes girls she is a lesbian but doesn't let societies thought of the way she lives effect her. She believes that society has no say in right and wrong.  I really like a part of her essay where she talks about how society always go to the bible when it comes to same-sex relationship's but if god can forgive one for murder, then god can forgive one for being in love with some one the same-sex as them.

 when unread this essay I really agreed with her. I don't think someone should be told who they can and can't be with. Who they should and shouldn't be.  I have friends and family who are gay and it breaks my heart how someone can be embarrassed of who they because of what society is going to think. I know society has came a long way from years ago but society is still so harsh on people. when I see on TV how this state or that state is passing same-sex marriage I think to my self why is this even a law. Who is the state to tell someone who they can and can't marry. Its crazy how  America has so many religions and races but yet certain states wont let tow people of the Sam-sex people get married. Society should have no say on how someone should be, who they should love, how they should dress or anything else. People should be who they want to be without being afraid of what society has to say or think about it.