Sunday, March 15, 2015

Summary: in the essay "Small Change: why the revolution will not be tweeted" Malcolm talks about how we will not make big changes in the world through the Internet. He talks about how activist on social media are really not activist. Those so called "Activist" that are on the Internet don't risk anything so they truly are not an activist. He defines a true activists as someone who risk something, someone who risks their life or their freedom. Malcolm's main point is that if we want to make any real changes we have to risk more, we have to do more than just like or re-tweet something in order to difference

Conclusion: I do agree with the essay that a real activist needs to risk more than just a like on Facebook or a re-tweet on Twitter in order to be an activist. A activist back in the 90's risked their life or  their safety in order to fight for something they believed in and you really don't see that kind of activism now a days. Although i do agree with the essay I think that social media can make positive impacts, like spreading awareness to things like ALS. The Internet brought extreme attention to ALS through the ice bucket challenge, but the meaning of the ice bucket challenge also got lost through the Internet. The internet can make changes and bring awareness to things, but I think if people take more risks like the activist in the 90's; there would be more changes and making risks would give more meaning to what they are fighting for.

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